Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Page 21
He couldn’t tell what might be running through her mind, but it was enough that she watched him to make his heart speed up and his breath ragged. He settled carefully beside her and pushed the covers back so that he could study the form he found so breathtakingly beautiful. The moment he cupped her breast, however, she tried to assume the position.
“No,” he said, his voice more harsh than he’d intended. “Not tonight. I want you to touch me while I touch you.”
She looked bewildered, but she didn’t resist when he lifted her hands and placed them on his chest. For several moments, she didn’t move either. She began to stroke her hands lightly over his chest as he massaged her breasts, however, her touch tentative. It still set him on fire to feel her exploring him, to watch her face become flushed as stroked her breasts, to see her eyes glaze with pleasure. He brought her face close to his after a moment, cupping the back of her head and guiding her until he could breach the distance that separated them and brush his lips along hers. They parted as he nipped at them with his lips, sucking lightly at first one and then the other and then both when he’d settled his mouth more firmly against hers. He captured her breath and then her taste and then he explored the soft inner surfaces of her mouth with the certain knowledge that he would feel her nether mouth surrounding his cock, cupping it as her mouth cupped his tongue, sucking at it as the muscles worked around it.
The knowledge sent a headier rush through him, made him impatient when he’d wanted to savor it.
He’d waited too long to have the patience for it, touched her too many times without benefit of relief. He moved from her lips to her throat and back to her face again to trace his lips over her cheeks. Returning to her lips, he briefly delved that orifice with a hunger that was rapidly growing beyond his control, but it was too reminiscent of the hot, moist, clinging muscles of her channel and not enough to pacify his ravaging need at the same time.
He explored her throat and lips again and then moved down to explore her breasts, pulling hungrily at each nipple and then scooting lower to explore her narrow ribcage and her belly. He hesitated there, feeling the urge grip him to suck her clit into his mouth. His throat closed with need and he yielded to it abruptly, pushing her legs apart and searching briefly for the little bud. It was swollen with her arousal and that was enough to make him near mindless. He pulled at it feverishly for several moments until he felt the tremors running through her. Sinking a finger into her, he discovered she was wet, the muscles along her channel already quaking.
He surged over her abruptly, pressing his cock to her cleft, struggling with the urge to find her opening with his cock. A flicker of sanity pierced his fevered mind, though, as he felt her slight frame beneath his. He paused, staring down at her, struggling to make his mind function and finally moved off of her, sprawling on his back beside her.
“Mount me and take me inside of you,” he gasped hoarsely.
She looked confused, but she struggled upright. He caught her hips to steady her as she lifted one knee to move it to the other side of his hips. It wasn’t until he felt the belt beneath his hands that he realized he hadn’t removed it. He searched it for the clasp and unfastened it as she settled on his belly.
She glanced at him sharply when it fell away. When he’d dropped it on the floor beside the bed, he caught her hips again and urged her up. Her hands shook when she clasped his cock. It flickered through his mind that it could as easily be fear as desire, but he lost all ability to think the moment she guided his cock to the mouth of her sex and he felt her flesh pressing against him. He felt as if the breath had been punched from his lungs when he felt her body close around the head of his cock. His hands tightened on her hips as she slowly pressed down, engulfing more and more of his shaft until he thought he would black out from the intensity of the pleasure. Her slow descent was maddening. It took every ounce of control he had to prevent himself from grabbing her and driving her down over himself. He gritted his teeth when she lifted upward again without engulfing much more than the head and then she began to descend again.
He was going to blow his seed and he hadn’t even achieved full penetration, he thought suddenly. Releasing his grip on her hips, he reached down to curl his fingers around the root of his cock, tightly pinching the tube that channeled his sperm from his balls through his dick to prevent ejaculation. It was more torture than he’d anticipated. He thought for several moments that his seed would blow a hole in his testicles instead.
She distracted him from his torment when he felt the lips of her sex kiss the top of his fist. It was all the incentive he needed to let go. He grabbed her hips, driving deeper. She gasped, began convulsing. Uttering a pained grunt as the first convulsion hit him, he gripped her tightly, jackknifing upright the moment the spasm eased, and coiled his arms around her, lifting her and pressing her down again until the paroxysms tearing at his guts finally ceased.
Gasping for breath, shuddering, he was so wrapped up in the glorious aftermath of release that he didn’t realize she’d fainted until he fell back against the pillow and she landed limply on top of him. Alarm flickered through him but when he checked her pulse he could feel it.
Maybe he’d squeezed her too hard?
A mental search finally produced the memory of her own convulsions and, more importantly, the sounds of pleasure. Not death throes then, release.
Relieved, he cuddled her, stroking her back, and went back to enjoying his release. He’d just recovered enough to begin considering whether he was up to another round so soon when he felt something hot and wet hit his chest. It confused him until he realized Emerald was shaking. He shifted to his side immediately, dumping her onto the bed and catching her face to tilt it up for confirmation. His throat closed. “I hurt you?” he asked gruffly.
She shook her head.
He frowned. “It’s alright to tell me.”
She sniffed. “You didn’t.”
Relieved but not convinced, he brought her against his chest. “If I didn’t hurt you why are you crying?”
He heard her swallow. “It felt so good.”
His mind went blank for a handful of seconds. A mixture of amusement, pleasure that she had, and irritation that she’d scared the shit out of him only because it had felt good, filled him. It occurred to him abruptly, though, that he’d deprived her of fulfillment just as he’d felt deprived. It had felt so good, he’d thought he would pass out. Instead of either chuckling or dismissing it, though, he tightened his arms around her briefly and then leaned away to find her lips. She clung to him when he kissed her. He brushed his lips against her forehead when he’d broke from her lips. “You were good today, baby.”
She shuddered, but she nuzzled closer.
Sighing, Tariq gave up on the idea of getting more of the same. He couldn’t bring himself to put the gods damned belt on her again and the ‘reward’ thing sure as fuck wasn’t going to work if he rewarded her all night like he wanted to.
He discovered it wasn’t the hardship he’d feared. He was wiped out from the climax he’d already had.
Chapter Thirteen
Tariq sent Koryn a deadly look when he arrived the following morning with breakfast and a scanner. Koryn missed it since he was completely focused on the scanner. The minute he set the tray down, he charged across the cabin and rolled Emerald over to scan her belly.
He looked disappointed when he returned to the table. “No results yet?” Tariq asked dryly.
“It didn’t pick up anything,” Koryn said with obvious disgust.
“Well, gods damn it, Koryn! I just fucked her last night! It takes the sperm a few hours to make the gods damned trip!”
“It’s been hours!” Koryn said pointedly. “And they didn’t have much of a trip to take. You cock’s long enough to deposit the fucking things in her womb!”
“Well it didn’t,” Tariq said tightly. “I might’ve bumped against it a couple of times but if you ask me the chances are a hell of a lot higher that it shot past
her womb considering the load I had. It might take them twice as long to find their way back down.”
Koryn stared at him for a long moment and turned to look at Emerald. “Get up Emerald and come stand by the table.”
“Go to the bathroom and freshen up and relieve yourself,” Tariq countered.
She looked from one to the other and finally stumbled toward the bathroom.
“Don’t wash the come off.”
“Gods! Clean up, Emerald. Ignore Koryn. He’s being a dick this morning. If it falls out it sure as fuck isn’t going to climb back in again.”
“Countermanding orders is setting a bad precedent,” Koryn said tightly.
Tariq narrowed his eyes at him. “So don’t give her stupid orders,” he snarled.
Fuming, Koryn focused on his food. “Do you still plan to spend the day at the dig?”
Tariq studied him speculatively. “I do—most of it anyway.”
“What about Emerald’s sessions?” he asked when Emerald reached the table.
Tariq dragged her onto his lap, rubbing his fingers caressingly along her cheek. “She’s been a good girl. I’m not going to punish her when she is.”
Koryn nodded. “I’m heading to my lab, then. I’ve got a lot of work backed up. Do you want me to check on her at lunch?”
“You’ll have to if she gets fed.”
He got up to leave. “I’ll just leave the scanner here. I don’t want it found in my lab. I stole it from the med center.”
Tariq considered telling him to put it back where he’d found the damned thing, but he was as anxious to know if his breeding ‘took’ as Koryn was. Well, not quite as anxious, he thought dryly, but he decided it might arouse less curiosity if the scanner reappeared when they didn’t need it any more than for it to appear and disappear every day—or several times a day.
He wasn’t needed at the dig, but he didn’t think he could keep his hands to himself if he stayed in his quarters. He spent most of the day exploring the city and most of his time either reliving the night before or conjuring images of what he meant to do that night. When he finally returned to the ship to eat, the urge to go straight to his quarters was so strong it made him uneasy.
He’d comforted himself while he was disciplining Emerald with the thought that he was enduring her punishment right along beside her. Arousing her aroused him just as much and although he’d allowed himself some relief, when he hadn’t her, he hadn’t allowed himself even close to what he’d wanted or felt he needed. And women didn’t suffer nearly as much from ‘drought’ as men did—at least in general. He knew that for a fact—either that or he just had a fucking knack for picking out women who couldn’t have cared less most of the time whether they had sex or not.
It occurred to him, though, to wonder just who’d trained who in his little endeavor when he was just as anxious to get hold of her again as he had been before he had.
He dismissed it. Wanting was a painful fact of life for most men—even those who had their own women and could easily appease their needs—and he hadn’t spent any more time suffering than he could help. There was no reason to be uneasy about the fact that Emerald had been on his mind all day or concerned that he was eager to get back to her. He’d spent weeks waiting for the time when he could enjoy her and he’d been thoroughly satisfied by the experience. He’d wanted more the night before. It only stood to reason that he’d be anxious to get back when he’d bowed to reason instead of doing exactly what he wanted to.
When he finished his meal, he headed to the hold to check out the newest batch of survivors that they’d rounded up. The group was a good bit smaller than the first—less than thirty, in fact, and there were more men than women. He examined the women for quite some time, trying to decide if any of them appealed to him, and finally decided there was a dark haired woman that he wouldn’t mind fucking.
Relieved, he left again. He wasn’t about to waste his seed on the woman—on any of them—when he was trying to breed Em, but it was a relief that he’d managed to get an erection from considering one of them as a bedmate.
Well, a semi-erection.
Of course, it had been like that most of the day, when it wasn’t as hard as a fucking rock and killing him, but he was convinced enough that it was interest in the woman to feel a little less uneasy. Discovering it was still early afternoon when he’d finished looking, he decided to check in on Koryn’s progress with the clones.
It annoyed him when he discovered Koryn wasn’t in the lab, but he went in to inspect the clones anyway. He didn’t spend a lot time inspecting the males, actually. The females, he discovered, were at that awkward stage between puberty and adult. He studied them anyway, particularly the faces, trying to decide if any of them showed any potential for beauty. Deciding they didn’t, he lost interest.
He met Koryn in the hallway on the way out and turned toward the lab again.
“Checking out the new batch?”
“I looked. They aren’t much to look at just yet.”
Koryn shrugged. “They aren’t going to be much to look at when they’re ‘done’ either. Not a one of them actually pretty, although I don’t think they’ll be ugly either—and a good figure and a sweet disposition go a long way. I don’t think there’ll be any problem placing them.”
“Where have you been?”
“I went to check on Emerald. She was resting so I scanned her again. Still nothing.”
Tariq resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “I guess I’ll have to keep working at it,” he said, smiling faintly.
Koryn sent him an irritated look, but he forbore comment.
“Why didn’t you get her to get you off as long as you were there anyway?” Tariq asked testily.
Koryn looked a little uncomfortable. “I did. She woke up while I was scanning her. I figured I might as well check her behavior while I was there.”
“And get a load off. How did she do?”
He sounded both surprised and a little disappointed. Tariq glanced at the clock, saw to his relief that it was only a few hours until sunset and excused himself. “I’ll be in my quarters. Are you going to bring dinner?”
“Not unless I get to play with Emerald a little,” he muttered irritably.
“She isn’t bred yet and you said she was behaving acceptably,” Tariq said tightly, swiveling to glare at him from the door.
“I could warm her up for you.”
“I can fucking warm her up myself!”
Koryn’s face tightened. “I’ll bring dinner around seven.”
Tariq relaxed fractionally, studying Koryn with more empathy that he really felt like he deserved when he’d just gotten back from getting mouth fucked. On the other hand, he hadn’t found that that satisfied him long. “Stay and watch if you want to. Just don’t make a fucking mess.”
Emerald was standing near his desk when Tariq entered. He checked, feeling uneasiness flicker through him, but dismissed it when she smiled at him tentatively. He smiled back her, feeling almost giddy that she’d smiled at him and then embarrassed that he had. “No greeting?”
She looked surprised at the question but moved quickly toward him. He gathered her into his arms, squeezing her tightly, and then leaned away to study her face. “How was my baby today? Have you been a good girl for me?”
Something flickered in her eyes than made a knot of uneasiness form in his belly. “Koryn told me to take him in my mouth and suck him off. I wasn’t sure if I should, but I was afraid you’d both be angry if I didn’t.”
He stroked his fingers along her cheek. “It’s alright. He told me. I told him he could use you, but you aren’t to fuck him. Understand? Not until I’ve bred you. After that … you can unless I say not to.”
She looked confused and uneasy. “How am I supposed to know?”
“I’ll tell you when and if I tell him. It’s not likely to happen. I’m just saying if it did come to that. What else did he tell you to do?”
“He told me to sit on his lap when he brought lunch like you do and then he told me to get in the bed and he … kissed me all over.”
“Did he put the inhibitor on you?”
She paled. “No.”
He cupped her face with his hand and kissed her on the lips. “It’s alright, baby. I told him not to punish you. I just wanted to make sure he didn’t. I didn’t tell him he couldn’t reward you. Did he make you come?”
She swallowed and nodded.
“But not with his dick?”
“He used his mouth and his fingers.”
He patted her cheek. “I need a bath. I’ve been at the dig most of the day and I’m sticky with sweat.” He studied her for a moment. “Come with me.”
He bathed her, enjoying the feel of her water slick skin beneath his fingers. He enjoyed feeling her hands on him when she washed him even more. She knelt down to stroke his cock while he was rinsing off. He allowed it, enjoyed feeling her mouth on him until he thought he was going to come. He stopped her then, pulled her to her feet, and then lifted her from the floor and kissed her. She curled her arms and legs around him when he lifted her from the floor.
He met her gaze when he felt the moist lips of her sex cling to his damp belly. “Gods! I want to fuck you till I can’t move or breathe,” he muttered, tilting his head and covering her lips again, this time for a far more heated kiss.
He put her down reluctantly when he broke the kiss and turned off the water, moving with her to the drying unit. Too impatient to wait until they were completely dry, he scooped her up about halfway through the cycle and left the bathroom with her. He paused when he reached the main room. The bed beckoned but he didn’t think he could trust himself to be careful enough with her if he took her there. Instead, he carried her to the chair they usually occupied when they ate and sat down with her. Turning her so that she was sitting astride his lap facing him, he drew her up onto her knees and kissed her again. Alternating between her breasts and her mouth and everything in between, he kissed her until he was so desperate he couldn’t wait anymore.