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Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Page 20

  Koryn uttered a snort that lacked true amusement. “Don’t feel inadequate on my account! I need it as much or more than you do. Which brings me to the question of how much punishment am I going to have to take. If I need it, is it going to be a problem to get her to mouth fuck me?”

  “It isn’t a problem as far as I’m concerned—as long as most of the focus is on her. I won’t be doing it, but that’s because I plan to begin breeding her and I want my sperm count as high as I can get it.”

  “Speaking both scientifically and as a fellow horny layman, I doubt that’s going to be an issue. You’re a virile man to start with and you’ve been doing a hell of a lot of ‘saving up’ in the past couple of weeks,” Koryn retorted dryly.

  “Maybe, but it’s too important to successfully breed her quickly for me to want to take any chances. If I miss this fertile period, I might not get the chance at another. I wouldn’t worry about it if it wasn’t for the situation, but ….”

  “We do have a situation,” Koryn finished for him. “I’m sure as fuck not going to quibble—wouldn’t even if not for the dangers since I can’t get my hands on her until you do. You do still hold to that? As soon as you’ve bred her I can fuck her?”

  Tariq’s expression tightened. “I gave my word. When have you known me not to keep my word?”

  “But you don’t like it,” Koryn observed.

  “I never did. I like it less now, but I also see that you’re entitled by more than the word I gave when you’ve invested just as much effort, and risk, in her protection as I have.

  Koryn was surprised and it showed, briefly. His relief was more profound. He knew Tariq had grown extremely attached to Emerald—at least as attached as he was—and that made it more difficult to consider sharing her. He supposed it was just as well they’d had to share the responsibility of training her. He didn’t think either of them would have become quite so attached if they hadn’t had to invest so much time in disciplining her, but he also thought it would’ve made it far more difficult, for both of them, to accept sharing her. “Shall I take the lead? Or do you want me to wait?”

  Tariq hesitated. “You take lead today. She’s given you far more trouble than she has me and she’s very alert right now. I think we should challenge that.”

  It irritated the fuck out of Koryn for him to point that out. Unfortunately, he knew it was true—probably because he wasn’t the authority figure that Tariq was.

  Tariq cupped Emerald’s face in his hand and tilted her head so that he could see her expression. “Go get in the bed, baby. Koryn is going to handle your first session this morning.”

  Something flickered in her eyes. Her hands tightened on him, but as soon as he released her she scooted off his lap and moved to the bed. When she lay down, she lifted her arms above her head and drew her knees up, planting her feet wide.

  Ignoring the urge to leap to his feet and rush to the bed, Koryn simply studied her for several moments. It was as important that she have time to feel anticipation as the actual stimulation was. Without that, she wouldn’t have the chance to consider what might be done and begin to feel dread. He leaned down after a moment and pulled his boots off. “Anything in particular you’d like to suggest I try this morning?”

  Tariq pretended to consider it. “Actually, there is. It seemed to me that the ice was very effective in cooling her down and helping her to feel more. I want you to see how many times you can take her to the top, maintain it briefly, and then cool her down and start over.”

  Oh hell, Koryn thought, swallowing convulsively! He merely nodded, however, and got up to strip. When he’d discarded his uniform, he strode to the refreshment center and got a glass of ice.

  To his surprise, Tariq had carried a chair across the room and settled in it beside the bed. “Don’t mind me. I’m merely observing.”

  A little disconcerted, wondering if Tariq still thought he was undermining his efforts, Koryn looked around for a place to set the glass. Tariq took it. Shrugging inwardly, he studied Emerald, trying to decide where to start and what would test her most. He needed to thoroughly stimulate her to get her to the top to start with, but take it slow? Or push it? He decided he wasn’t up to slow and began to alternately massage her breasts and her clit with purpose as soon as he climbed into the bed. He began to lightly pinch her nipples and her clit as soon as they began to swell with the blood flow, waiting for them to reach maximum sensitivity before he brought his mouth and tongue into play. He decided she was ready when tremors began to run through her with her efforts to remain still and her breathing had increased to short pants. Running a finger along her cleft, he found her entrance and pushed inside, slowly thrusting in and out a couple of times to see how wet she was and how close to peaking. The muscles along her channel were already quivering and tightening and relaxing against his finger.

  Leaning down, he took her closest nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. A hard shudder went through her in response and the convulsing muscles in her passage grew stronger and more rapid. He slipped a second finger inside of her and increased the pumping motion while he pulled hungrily at the nipple he’d trapped. Instead of moving to the second when he released it, he changed positions on the bed and settled between her thighs, capturing her clit. She hit her peak almost instantly. He kept pulling at her clit with his mouth and driving his fingers into her frenziedly for several minutes and then abruptly stopped and sat up.

  Reaching for the ice, he took a piece when Tariq held the glass out and applied it to her clit. She tensed all over, gasping hoarsely as he stroked the ice around and around her clit and over it until it melted. Reaching for another piece, he repeated the process with each nipple and then pulled away to study the effect. Deciding she hadn’t cooled completely, he continued until her teeth began to chatter.

  He could feel the jolt that went through her when he started massaging her again, but other than a whimper that escaped her, she held herself rigidly still. He took her to her peak four times, held her there briefly and then cooled her with the ice before he started again. She was quivering all over by the time Tariq called the time.

  Koryn wasn’t in a hell of a lot better state.

  They left her to ‘rest’ for an hour and then Tariq took Koryn’s place on the bed. “Get me a glass of ice. I think I’ve grasped the process.”

  Emerald’s chin wobbled, but she clamped her jaws tightly. Despite the ice, Tariq managed to get her to her peak faster. Even holding her there a little longer than Koryn had, he succeeded in carrying her up and down six times before Koryn called the time.

  Koryn got up and stretched. “I need to go the lab for a bit.”

  “If you aren’t back in hour, I’ll put her in the chair for the next session,” Tariq responded and then focused on Emerald. She was still in position he saw with satisfaction. “You may rest.”

  She curled up into a tight ball, shivering. He hesitated and finally pulled the covers over her in case she was actually cold and not merely shivering in reaction. He was mildly irritated but not really surprised when Koryn failed to show at the correct time. He succumbed readily to his scientific interests and was prone to lose track of time. Deciding it wasn’t a bad thing since it would keep Emerald off kilter, he turned in his chair. “Go get in the chair, Em.”

  She pushed the covers back and slipped off the bed readily enough, but he saw that she was in no hurry to reach the chair. Still, she didn’t make her reluctance obvious enough that he felt compelled to call her on it. He got up and followed her. She didn’t simply ‘assume the position’ as she had when he’d sent her to the bed, but she didn’t resist when he moved her arms and legs into position and manacled them or squirm when he moved around to secure her belt to the chair. He might’ve forgotten the gag except that when he flicked a glance at her face her eyes were already swimming with tears. Bracing himself, he put the gag on her and positioned the chair. It took him nearly ten minutes to stimulate her enough to produce the moisture he thought neces
sary to insert the dildo. Once he got it going, however, he managed to peak her out in only a few moments. Deciding she’d offered enough resistance to warrant it, he set her start time when he reached his chair again rather than allowing the time it had taken to get her going as part of the session as he usually did.

  Koryn made it back about halfway through the session and moved to stand at the foot of the chair, watching the dildo pound into her. Tariq joined him after a few minutes. “It occurs to me that we’re damned predictable,” Koryn murmured. “We always set the same speed.”

  Tariq shrugged. “It’s a machine. I suppose it could be set to vary the depth and speed and angle just like we do, but I’m not that familiar with it. In any case, it maintains her at her peak and I think that’s the important thing.”

  “Unless it could take her to a higher peak,” Koryn said. “It would be more of a test if it did. Familiarity breeds contempt. We need to consider it a possibility that that’s why she stopped resisting—not because she’s cowed but because she’s grown accustomed to it.”

  Tariq considered it and finally stepped forward, adjusting the speed until it was driving into her so hard and fast it was jolting her entire body. The incessant moans against the gag became keen cries almost instantly. They could see she was convulsing harder than before. “I guess you were right. She seems to have reached a higher peak.”

  Tariq left to check the time after a few minutes. When he came back, he watched the pumping bio-cock for a few moments and then moved around to check on Emerald’s progress. Tears were streaming from her eyes and her cries had grown hoarser, but he thought she was alright.

  “What’s the count?” Koryn asked.

  “She had another fifteen minutes when I checked. I didn’t start the count, though, until I finally got her to peak. She didn’t offer any overt resistance, but I had a hell of a time getting her up there to start with.”

  “Maybe we can cut that if we stimulate her together the next time.”

  “Maybe. She might be more resistant after this.” He left to check the time again. “You can shut it down. It’s been fifteen.”

  Koryn shut it down. “Did it come with instructions?”

  “In the storage room,” Tariq responded absently. “Unless the cleaning droid got it.”

  Koryn disappeared into the storage room and returned a few minutes later. Settling in the chair at the table, he read the instructions. “This says that the nerve bundle that controls orgasm is located at the front of her channel and that adjusting the angle can help achieve climax faster.”

  “I knew that,” Tariq said dryly.

  “Yes, but I think I can adjust the angle to make it easier to get her there—whether she resists or not.”

  “As big as that thing is, it can’t miss much whatever the angle of penetration.”

  “We can try it, though. What’s the time?”

  Tariq paused and glanced at the clock. “It’s time. It doesn’t seem like an hour.” He discovered when he reached the chair that Koryn was already there, fiddling with the chair’s position. When he’d angled it to curl Emerald’s hips upward at a slight angle, he studied her thoughtfully. “We should do the ice. She’s still hot and we aren’t going to keep her off kilter like that.”

  Tariq shrugged and Koryn left, returning a few minutes later with the ice. She jerked all over when he applied it but she tensed instead of struggling against her bonds. Tariq was skeptical. It seemed to him that Koryn had only insured that it was going to take longer, regardless of whether there were two of them stimulating her or not. As soon as he tested and found a little moisture, however, he started the dildo. She shuddered all over when it had fully penetrated. Another shudder went through her as it slowly retreated.

  A little surprised, Tariq focused on stimulating her breasts and clit as the dildo detected enough moisture to increase its pace. She peaked within moments. He stepped back, watching and then adjusted the speed to the number of reps per minute that he usually set it. Koryn headed for the door when he moved to his desk to note the time. “I’m going by my lab. I’ll bring food when I come back.”

  Nodding absently, Tariq returned and reset the speed, increasing it until it was pounding into her as it had before. He left it at that speed for thirty minutes, reduced it to the ‘norm’ for fifteen and then increased it again. When she’d been in session precisely an hour, he crossed the room and turned the machine off. Adjusting the chair into the rest position, he unfastened her manacles. “Go lie down and rest.”

  Her legs promptly gave out when she stood up. Consternation filled him but he bent down, scooped her up, and carried her to the bed. She’d been sleeping nearly an hour by the time Koryn made it back again. Irritated since he was hungry, he got up and went to the table, carefully separating the portions to divide it between him and Emerald. Since she was still asleep, he decided to let her rest a few more minutes and eat. He got up as soon as he finished and went to the bed to shake her awake. “Come sit with me and eat, baby.”

  Her eyes were glazed and unfocused.

  “Maybe you should go to the bathroom and relieve yourself and freshen up first.”

  She staggered off the bed and stumbled toward the bathroom.

  “Wobbly,” Koryn commented.

  “Yes, well we did set the speed higher,” Tariq said dryly. “It took a lot more out of her than she’s used to.”

  “I thought the idea was to keep off kilter today so that we could see how well she behaved.”

  “I didn’t say it wasn’t. I agreed that it was good idea to test her. I’m just saying it’s been harder on her.”

  “Which means the next time we send her to the chair we’ll discover just how docile she is.”

  “I think so. We’ll give her a break for a couple of sessions and then send her back.”

  “One or three. Two makes a familiar rhythm.”

  “Alright one. I’ll start since you did last time and then I’ll send to the chair. One session there, back to the bed and then back to the chair.”

  She was more alert and stable when she returned from the bathroom but clearly not particularly hungry. Tariq kept insisting until he decided she’d had enough and then sent her to the bed. As before, she assumed the position without having to be told. Tariq decided not to allow her as much time to stew over it as they had before and got up to get a glass of ice.

  She swallowed audibly when she saw it, but she lay perfectly still—or as still as she could mange throughout his session. She looked so upset when he told her to go to the chair after her brief rest that he fully expected resistance. She surprised him again, staring tearfully at the ceiling but otherwise completely compliant.

  She looked dazed and confused when they released her from the chair and Tariq had to help her to the bed, but she behaved beautifully. She didn’t try to bite Koryn when he told her to bring him off with her mouth and she lay still while he teased her mercilessly. She burst into tears and sobbed like a child when Tariq sent her to the chair again, but she didn’t try to struggle.

  Tariq thought he was nearly as rung out from her testing as she was—not as miserable or as exhausted, but on edge from her weeping. When she’d eaten, he sent her to bed and left his quarters to try to calm his frayed nerves.

  “That was hellish,” Koryn commented, joining him. “I figured you would be out here.”

  Tariq swallowed with an effort. “So what’s your assessment?”

  “I think she’s as ready as she’ll ever be.”

  Tariq hesitated. “You don’t think we’ve … broken her?”

  Koryn considered it. “No. I think we’ve pushed her to her lowest ebb, but I don’t think we’ve broken her. I think she could spring back a lot faster than you realize. It wouldn’t hurt to reward her. She needs to know that she’ll be rewarded for behaving just as much as she needs to know there’ll be punishment when she doesn’t.”

  “If I breed her and she ‘springs back’ we’re going to have trouble.

  “Not necessarily. We’ll just have to be a lot more careful in punishing her when she needs it.”

  Tariq nodded a little jerkily. “I’m going to breed her tonight.”

  Koryn felt his chest tighten with a mixture of pain and anger and even anticipation as it flickered through his mind that he could have her, too.

  He just couldn’t breed her.

  “I think it’s time,” he managed to say finally.

  Despite his own distress over it, Koryn almost felt sorry for Tariq when he caught a glimpse of his face in the moonlight. He’d never seen that look on Tariq’s face before and it took him a few moments to figure out what it was. He was … afraid. “You won’t hurt her,” he said after a moment.

  Tariq flicked an uncertain look at him.

  “She isn’t the first human to be bred by an Anunnaki man. I know it’s almost as … unnerving that they’re so small compared to us … and what we’re used to as it is fascinating, but they’re sturdy stock. Besides, the bio-cock has accustomed her to something at least close to your size.”

  “A lot of them died,” he muttered.

  Koryn felt a twinge of some of same fear he didn’t doubt Tariq was feeling. “They died when their own impregnated them, too. They didn’t have the resistance to disease they have now, or the nutrition, or the understanding of medicine we have. There’s no data suggesting there would be any problems using them as breeders or we wouldn’t have been sent to get them.”

  He looked unconvinced, but he turned and reentered the ship, striding briskly away. “Be careful with her,” Koryn muttered. “I’d hate to get my ass kicked trying to kick yours.”

  * * * *

  When Tariq reached his quarters and crossed to the bed, he saw that Emerald appeared to be sleeping. The doubts that had been circling his mind instantly rose to the forefront again and he considered whether he even wanted to wake her or not. Ruefully, he realized as soon as he sat down that his cock was in no doubt. It had been fully erect or semi-erect from the moment he’d begun considering breeding her. He discovered when he’d removed his boots and stood to shrug out of his uniform, that she’d awakened or she hadn’t actually been asleep at all. She watched him as he undressed.