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Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Page 17

  “I didn’t mean it,” she said after a long moment.

  He flicked a questioning look at her.

  “I don’t hate you.”

  His lips tightened. “Yes, you do. But I don’t hate you, Em. I care ….” He stopped, glancing away. “I care more than you realize and I’m terrified for you. Regardless of what it seems like to you, I’m trying to protect you.”

  He checked her nipples again when the ice he was using melted. They were still erect. He took another piece of ice and applied it to her clit and then moved back to her breasts.

  Tariq glanced at him questioningly when he came out of the bath.

  “I’ve cooled her down. She should be ready and receptive to another session when I’ve showered.”

  “Let her relieve herself first.” He glanced at Emerald. “Now.”

  She got up and moved stiffly into the bathroom. When she returned, she looked at him questioningly. “On the bed. We’ll wait for Koryn.”

  He moved to the refreshment bar without waiting to see if she complied, getting a drink for himself and one for her. She didn’t look at him when he handed the glass of water to her. She took it and gulped it down thirstily. He took the glass and tipped her chin up to look into her eyes and then got up and left.

  Emerald chewed her lip. She’d done her best to keep her expression neutral, but she had a bad feeling that that wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy either of them. Tariq wandered out of the room and into his storage compartment after a few minutes. She listened uneasily to his search. When he returned, she saw that her anxiety hadn’t been misplaced. He was carrying what looked like an enormous dildo—except that it had some sort of machine attached to it.

  She was still staring at it in horror when Koryn emerged from the bathroom.

  Koryn’s brows rose when he saw it. “What are you going to do with that?”

  Tariq studied it doubtfully. “She needs discipline and I have to work up a report,” he said dryly, then added ruefully. “Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, my arm’s tired and the shower didn’t fucking help that much. My balls feel like they’re going to explode.”

  Koryn repressed a grin. “Reinforcements. Where the fuck did you get it?”

  “My lover left it when I told her to get the fuck out.”

  “You didn’t like the competition?” Koryn asked with amusement, eyeing the size of the dildo.

  Tariq snorted. “My cock’s bigger that that! I got tired of her constant demands—for other things,” he added irritably when Koryn grinned. “I think she set out to make me a pauper.”

  Koryn sent him a disgusted look. “Ten women couldn’t spend enough to make a miser like you a pauper.”

  Tariq glared at him indignantly. “I’m not a fucking miser! I was generous with her. Some women are just never satisfied. The very minute she got through ‘decorating’ my gods damned mansion she decided she didn’t like it after all and wanted to start all over again. I got sick of falling over workmen every time I came in.”

  “Maybe she was fucking the workmen?”

  Tariq shrugged indifferently. “Maybe. She didn’t seem too keen on giving it to me unless I bought her something first … or I promised to buy her something else after.”

  “That’s what you get for taking a lover of your own class. They’re used the finer things and not afraid to demand them. You should’ve taken a woman from a lower class. Then she would’ve been grateful for anything you gave her and she’d be too afraid of being tossed out to demand anything. What is it doing on the ship, anyhow?”

  Tariq gave him a look. “She went with me on my last mission,” he reminded him. “The bitch bought it to annoy the fuck out of me—said she was tired of being ignored.” He grinned abruptly. “She never got around to using it.” Dismissing Koryn’s ribbing, he turned to study Emerald. “One more session and then I’ll put her on this for a while.”

  “You’re going to need to adjust the depth,” Koryn pointed out.


  “Definitely,” Koryn countered.

  Tariq studied it worriedly. “You think?”

  “Unless it’s self-adjusting.”

  “Like I said, she never used it. It probably is, though. It’s top of the line. She wouldn’t buy anything less than the best. I can guarantee you, Celia wouldn’t have had it if it didn’t do everything.”

  Koryn frowned. “You really think that’s necessary … or even desirable?”

  Tariq’s expression hardened. “I think it’s necessary and desirable. I wouldn’t consider it if I didn’t. We’re running out of time. Trying to explain it to her isn’t going to work. She’s intelligent, but she isn’t used to anything like she’ll be facing there. She has to be submissive, not pretend to be. Otherwise, she’ll give herself away—and possibly at the worst possible moment. ”

  Koryn released a pent up breath. “I know,” he said ruefully. “I tried that, too. She told me she’d be good and then turned right around and refused me. If it isn’t second nature to her, she’ll be in trouble. And I’m still not sure about that thing. We at least get tired and give her a break. Maybe you should just try breeding her and see if that settles her? It ought to be safe enough by now.”

  “And if that doesn’t work?” Tariq asked tightly. “If we try to discipline her after I’ve impregnated her, we run the risk of making her abort it—and she might not survive a miscarriage.”

  “I still don’t like it.”

  “I don’t fucking like it either,” Tariq growled. “You think I do?”

  “I wasn’t suggesting that. I know better. Never mind. Let’s just do it.”

  Emerald stared at the thing warily and shifted to the other side of the bed when Tariq approached her with it.

  Tariq sent Koryn a speaking glance.

  Koryn’s lips tightened. “I guess you’re right.”

  “Put your arms above your head and pull your legs up and spread them,” Tariq said tightly.

  She stared at him for a long moment and abruptly leapt off the bed and raced toward the bathroom. Koryn caught her before she reached it and carried her back to the bed. “I think she’s just scared,” he said neutrally.

  “I agree,” Tariq responded grimly, “but you and I both know that’s still unacceptable. One outburst like that on Niribu could cost her her life. We’ll have to bind her.”

  “You want to use the play chair? It’ll make it easier.”

  Tariq considered it and finally nodded. He had to set the robotic dildo down and help Koryn get her strapped into the chair. When they had her positioned, they knelt on either side and began milking her breasts to bring the blood to them, alternately teasing her clit until her skin was flushed all over and both her nipples and her clit swollen. Tariq tested to make sure her channel was moist, positioned the dildo and then spread the lips of her sex wide and activated it, watching in fascination as the bio-cock moved to the entrance of her body and pressed against the mouth of her sex. For several moments it seemed to stop. Then he noticed that the skin around her sex began to grow more and more taut. Just about the time he’d decided it had stopped, however, Emerald began to pant and squirm and the head was slowly enveloped by the taut skin. She struggled, jerking as she tried to buck her hips and free herself of it. Despite her efforts, the dildo sank slowly deeper and deeper and then stopped. Tariq frowned at the part of the shaft still showing, wondering if the damned thing was defective. Abruptly, it began to move again, this time outward almost as slowly as it had entered her.

  “Did it go all the way in?”

  Tariq didn’t even glance up. He was riveted to the thing as it slowly emerged again, coated in her moisture. “I don’t think so,” he said hoarsely.

  The thing stopped when only the head was inside of her and began to press into her again. This time it seemed to go deeper. After moving slowly in and out several times, it began to move faster.

  “It’s adjusted the depth,” Koryn commented. “Can you adjust the speed

  Tariq studied the small screen on the robotic device for a moment and finally began tapping the keys until the machine was driving in and out of her at a rapid pace that satisfied him.

  “Does it shut off automatically or keep going till it’s turned off?”

  “I guess we’ll find out,” Tariq responded grimly, moving to take his place beside the chair again and testing the nipple closest to him. Discovering it was rock hard, he covered it with his mouth and began to pull at it with a vigor that matched the machine’s pounding thrusts. Emerald groaned and continued struggling against her restraints for a while and finally ceased and began to shudder.

  Tariq switched from her nipple to her clit after a while and then went back to her breast. Koryn moved to her clit when he abandoned it and teased it a while and then returned to her nipple.

  When she began to weep and beg them to stop, Tariq got up and headed into his storage room again. He was carrying a gag when he returned. He pried her jaws open and inserted the soft ball in her mouth and then secured it in place with the straps. He could stand just so much of her weeping and begging and no more. He knew if he had to listen he wasn’t going to have the spine to do what he knew had to be done.

  Koryn got up, as well. After standing between her legs and watching the machine pumping steadily into her for several minutes, he looked around a little vaguely for his clothing. “I think I’ll go jack off before my balls explode,” he muttered.

  Tariq was tempted to do the same. Instead, he pulled his uniform and boots on and moved to his desk, trying to focus on the report he had to compose. He found it next to impossible and finally got up again. He discovered Emerald had fainted when he checked on her progress. He hesitated and then turned the dildo off, adjusting it so that the head was still inserted and then sat down to wait. When he saw her eyelids flutter, he got up and reset the dildo, adjusting the speed. He watched until he was sure she’d reached her peak and then returned to his desk and checked the time. He managed to focus on his report that time. When he thought to check the time again, he discovered an hour had passed. Deciding to give her a short rest, he crossed the room and turned the machine off again. He didn’t think of it again until he’d finally finished composing his report.

  She was staring at the ceiling when he returned. He studied her for a long moment, debating with himself. She’d been disciplined for almost three hours. He was inclined to think she’d had more than enough for one day. Then again, he reminded himself, she’d fought both of them far more than she’d ever dared before—and that was after two hours that had worn both him and Koryn out and left them in as miserable a condition as she was in.

  Dismissing his qualms, he set the machine again. He was careful to watch the time that time. One hour on, one off. He reached his limit during the fourth session and went to take a shower and jack off.

  She was so exhausted by the time he decided to feed her that she had no interest in eating and she quivered all over at his lightest touch. He felt sick to his stomach, but he ignored it, forcing her to eat a little and drink. He felt far worse when he told her to go relieve herself and discovered her legs were so weak she couldn’t walk.

  “Hardheaded little idiot!” he growled. He carried her to the bathroom and stood over her until she’d relieved herself.

  Wondering if he was a fool himself, he carried her to the bed when they emerged and lay down with her, cuddling her against his chest and stroking her back soothingly until she stopped shivering and fell asleep. He lay for hours staring into the darkness afterwards, wondering if Koryn was right and he should let him try to selectively remove her rebellious tendencies. That made him sicker than what he’d done, though.

  He couldn’t simply set her free, although he knew that was what she wanted. Even if he could bring himself to do it, she’d either die, torn to pieces by some of the roving wild animals, or be picked up again.

  He began to understand why Koryn had said he’d rather put her down.

  He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t bear the thought of seeing the light die in her eyes.

  It would be as bad, or worse, to see eyes vacant of the spirit he was so fond of—even while it drove him up the wall.

  He shook the thoughts, pulling her more tightly against his length. He would try to discipline her a few more days and if that didn’t work, he would have to think of something else.

  Chapter Eleven

  Tariq had expected the high councilor to be furious when he made his report and the man’s rage still took him aback. It wasn’t until later that it occurred to him why Mylor was so furious. He’d been the one who’d talked the high council into signing the treaty with the Dinjin.

  He demanded a fully copy of the report and copies of all the data Tariq had managed to extract from the Dinjin ship and told him he would be contacting him again after the high council had made their decision.

  Breaking the link with a sense of relief, Tariq turned to look at Emerald. He’d settled her with her tray on the bed so that she wouldn’t be visible to the high councilor and told her not to make a sound.

  She’d obeyed … for a wonder, but as much as he wanted to believe that meant he could forego any further discipline, he knew better. She’d been quiet because she was worried about the councilor, not because he told her to. Seeing she’d finished, he told her to bring him the tray and then go take care of her needs. He was standing by the chair waiting for her when she came out again.

  “Come here.”

  She glanced from him to the chair and slowly approached him. Her chin was wobbling and there were tears in her eyes. “Please don’t.”

  A knot rose in his throat. He clamped his jaw tightly. “Get in the chair.”

  She bit her lip, but she sat down. She was tense when he lifted her arms and manacled her wrists and more tense when he locked her ankles into place. He adjusted the chair so that it bent her knees upward and spread her thighs wide and then tilted it upward and went to the back to secure the inhibitor to the chair to prevent her from evading the dildo.

  She was so tense it took him a good ten minutes to get her relaxed enough to produce any moisture. He ignored it, persevering until her body responded in spite of her will. She whimpered piteously when he spread the lips of her sex to allow the dildo to penetrate her and then began to pant as it stretched her flesh and finally breached the opening. He saw when the dildo retracted that there was little moisture on it and moved to her breasts to tease them until she ceased to strain against her bonds. He saw when he checked the dildo again that there was enough moisture to prevent damage and increased the pace until she began to groan incessantly.

  It reminded him that he’d forgotten the gag. He put it in place and left her. Settling at his desk, he checked the time and pulled up the data he hadn’t managed to decode and began working on it. He was careful to keep track of the time, however, stopping it after an hour, allowing her to rest an hour and then beginning again.

  Her teeth were chattering when he released her after the fourth session and walked her to the bathroom. When she’d relieved herself, he sat down at the table with her and made her eat and drink as much as she would. When he told her to get back in the chair, she began shaking, but she got up and moved to it and remained completely docile while he strapped her in and began another session.

  Feeling heartened by her progress, he returned to his work. When he checked her after the third afternoon session and discovered she’d fainted again, he was alarmed enough he dismissed his concern about her behavioral problems and removed her from the chair. She came around when he settled her on the bed. “Rest. We’ll begin again later.”

  She fell asleep weeping.

  Tariq was just about ready to tear his hair out when she finally stopped. Struggling to focus when she’d finally quieted, he gritted his teeth and continued trying to decipher the damaged memory chip. He’d just managed to pick out a handful of letters that appeared to be a name and a partial spacial coordinate wh
en Koryn arrived carrying a tray.

  He glanced distractedly at the time and then at Emerald. She was still sleeping and he summoned Koryn with a wave of his hand. “I think I might have found a piece of the coordinates to one of the colonies!”

  Koryn immediately tensed. “You think?”

  “These are English letters—not the Dinjin language—and these letters don’t match up with any of the names of the planets in this system. I thought at first it might be one of the outposts, but it can’t be. They would’ve used the human’s name for it if they were going to record it in English.”

  “You think you can get the rest of it?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know anything to do except to keep trying.”

  Koryn straightened after a few minutes and glanced at Emerald. “She looks worn out, poor baby.” He turned to look at Tariq again after a moment and saw that Tariq was studying her, his face drawn as and haggard as if he’d been enduring the discipline himself. Uncomfortable, he looked away again. “How’s she doing?”

  “Better,” Tariq said, smiling crookedly. “She balked this morning when we started but after I’d let her rest and eat and told her to get back in the chair, she was completely docile.”

  “Maybe this will work,” Koryn said neutrally. “I wasn’t convinced yesterday.”

  “I’m not convinced today,” Tariq said tiredly. “I just said it looked promising. Ask me again tomorrow.”

  “Do you want to let her sleep a little longer?”

  “If she doesn’t wake up by the time I finish eating, I’ll wake her.”

  They hadn’t reached the table when the alert on Tariq’s communicator sounded. His expression hardened with tension as he strode quickly to the console. He activated it even as he sat down. His belly clenched when the high councilor’s image appeared.