Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Page 12
She grunted as the air left her lungs when he traced a path from her clit to the mouth of her sex and shoved his index finger deeply inside of her. Tensing all over, she clapped her legs together instinctively and was instantly sorry. He sent her a look that filled her with dread. She opened her legs again, spreading them wide for him, but the damage, she knew, had already been done. Narrowing his eyes, he withdrew his finger slowly and then slipped backwards and settled on his belly. Using his fingers to spread the lips of her sex, he flicked the tip of his tongue over her clit several times.
“Put your hands here and hold the lips wide for me.”
Emerald bit her lip, but reached down to comply. “Good girl,” he murmured, grasping her hips and dragging her to his mouth. Holding her with his gaze, he opened his mouth over her clit and began to suck at it. Fire coursed through her with each tug of his mouth, centering in her belly, growing swiftly into a conflagration.
Dragging her gaze from his with an effort, Emerald struggled to catch her breath, fought the rise of heat to no avail. He shifted after a moment, pushing his finger in and out of her slowly for several moments and then increasing the tempo until he was driving into her in hard thrusts. Catching her clit with his mouth, he began sucking it hard as he continued the forceful thrust of his finger until he drove her to the edge of her peak where she hovered in endless torment until she couldn’t stand anymore and tried to push herself away from him to escape.
He caught her, dragging her around on the bed until her head and shoulders were against the wall. It almost seemed impossible that he could be more punishing, but he succeeded, driving her almost immediately to her peak again despite the brief respite and holding her there until she began to weep in spite of all she could do. He ignored her tears until she began to beg him to stop.
Finally, he stopped. Coming up on his knees, he stared at her angrily. “Don’t ever push me away again,” he said tightly.
Emerald sniffed and shook her head, but even she wasn’t certain whether she was refusing or agreeing that she wouldn’t. He seemed to suspect the latter.
“Turn around and be still for me.”
Reluctantly, she obeyed, lifting her arms over her head as he told her and holding her breath as he settled to tease her breasts until she thought she would lose her mind. She didn’t dare move, though, when he slipped a hand down her belly and pushed his finger inside of her again. It took every ounce of will power she possessed to lay perfectly still while he pulled at her nipples with his mouth and finger fucked her until she peaked again and then continued until she was nearly mindless.
She was shaking all over by the time he finally stopped, a quivering mass of jelly.
“Suck my cock.”
She struggled up, tried to find her bearings and finally grasped his cock, opening her mouth over it. To her dismay, he caught her legs and repositioned her so that he could suck her clit while she brought him off. She fell to the bed tiredly when he’d finished coming, struggling to catch her breath.
Koryn sat up after a few moments, grasped her and dragged her around, arranging her against his side. She shivered when he skated a hand along her back.
“You can stop this, baby. You understand that, don’t you?” he murmured after a moment.
Emerald tensed against him, trying to understand what he was saying and finally gave up, shaking her head.
He released a pent up breath. “Yes, you do.” He shifted her to her back, surging up to hover over her, and gasped her face with one hand. “You don’t have the right to refuse to do what you’re told to do, or to glare sullenly and perform reluctantly. You don’t have the right to speak to any Anunnaki as an equal. Accept that and Tariq will cease to punish you for your willfulness and he won’t send me.”
Emerald swallowed with an effort. He was right. She did know. She realized abruptly that she wanted them to punish her and that was why she continued to push even when she knew what the results would be. She didn’t know why. It was sheer torture to be made to feel the things they made her feel and not be allowed surcease.
Maybe she’d begun to crave it? Maybe even though they left her each time feeling as if she wanted to claw her skin off to keep from feeling the sensations, she still wanted it?
Or maybe she wanted them to keep punishing her until she could finally hate them?
And maybe it wasn’t either of those things but instead a deep hatred for herself because she was alive when she shouldn’t be, feeling things when her entire world had collapsed around her?
“Why didn’t you leave me as you found me?” she wailed abruptly.
Koryn swallowed audibly. “Because we have orders just like you did,” he said finally. “Because our people have needs just like yours did.”
“I still don’t understand.”
He released an irritated breath. “Shut up, baby,” he growled, covering her mouth with his and kissing her deeply.
Against all reason, it sent a surge of heat through her. She struggled for a moment to deny it, to deny him and then abruptly yielded, kissing him back. She was dizzy with longing when he broke the kiss. He studied her a moment and pressed his forehead to hers. “Don’t be good, baby. I won’t have an excuse to touch you.”
She stared at him in confusion when he pulled away, but he got up and crossed the room without another word and dressed. He paused to study her when he’d started toward the door. For a moment, it seemed he might say something else, but he turned away resolutely and left.
* * * *
As badly as he hated to admit it even to himself Tariq had begun to wonder if he had the stamina to hold out long enough to break Emerald to hand or even the strength of purpose. He’d been angry enough about her defiance, at first, and convinced that it was the only way to ensure her protection that he hadn’t considered that she might be far more difficult to train than he could handle. A week of nightly sessions was beginning to wear on his nerves, however, and he couldn’t see that she was any less defiant than she had been to begin with.
She hid it better. After the first few sessions, he’d almost been convinced that he and Koryn between them had made her understand and accept her situation even if they hadn’t actually broken her willfulness and he’d been inclined to leave it at that because he hadn’t wanted, any of the time, to completely break her spirit. He’d been determined that she would respect and obey him and equally resolved upon protecting her from the possible consequences of her willfulness if she remained rebellious once he took her back to Niribu.
He had no intention of allowing anyone to take her if he could prevent it, but that was the sticking point. He had to admit to himself, at least, that there was a possibility that he wouldn’t be able to prevent it. And he knew of at least two men of superior rank to him that would glory in breaking her spirit completely. She was just the sort of challenge that could bring out the worst in them.
And Emerald wasn’t convinced enough for self-preservation. She hadn’t openly defied him or challenged him beyond the first few days, but she didn’t guard her expression nearly well enough and she was just slow enough every time he told her to do something to make it clear that she was considering whether to obey or not. And she still pretended deafness from time to time or that she was asleep and hadn’t heard his command.
Wryly, he admitted that he probably wouldn’t have been able to keep his hands to himself anyway, even if it hadn’t been necessary to discipline her. He wanted her too badly to have managed to simply wait without sampling. Under other circumstances, however, there would’ve been no need to punish her by not allowing her to orgasm. It would’ve given him far more pleasure to hear her cries of completion, to see her sated and satisfied, to see welcome in her eyes because he gave her so much pleasure than to see wariness and dread in her eyes because she knew he would withhold what she needed. Even demanding that she satisfy him at least often enough to keep him sane didn’t truly satisfy him. It probably wouldn’t have anyhow when what he really want
ed was to burrow his cock deeply inside of her and come, but it was even less satisfactory when he knew he’d left her fevered with need, that she was so sensitive she could hardly endure his touch.
Worse, she dominated his thoughts even when he was nowhere near her because the last session was on his mind or the next one. It was almost as much ‘punishment’ to him to discipline her as it was to her. He couldn’t touch her without being equally effected and even when he allowed himself some relief, it was as woefully brief as it was unsatisfactory. He burned because she burned.
It was almost laughable that Koryn was in as bad or worse state than he was and almost gratifying if it came to that, despite his reservations about including Koryn in her training. He had partly because he knew she needed to get used to the fact that the decision of who she would spread her legs for was as much his decision as when—or the decision of whoever ended up with her.
And also because he saw no reason why Koryn shouldn’t be just as miserable as he was and that was the gratifying aspect of the situation. Koryn was at least as miserable if not more.
He’d fucked up at least three specimens that he knew of—because he’d confessed about those. Fortunately, there were sufficient samples from the latest finds that that hadn’t been the disaster it would’ve been if he’d fucked up Emerald’s or any of the others that they’d barely been able to scrape together one sample for. It was telling, however. Koryn was one their best geneticists. If he’d been in the habit of such sloppy work he would never have gained the stature he had in his field.
Another week, he told himself. Only one more, and then he could safely breed her, he was sure, and once he had bred her, surely to the gods, even if she stubbornly refused to accept until then, she would have to once she was carrying his babe in belly—surely!
He wished he was more confident of that than he actually was, but it had crossed his mind to wonder if it was even safe to take her back Niribu given her grim determination to refuse to accept her status as a slave breeder of the Anunnaki in general or him in particular. It was for damned sure she wasn’t flattered or honored to serve the Anunnaki!
She should be, he thought with sudden anger! He had some of the best bloodlines of all the Anunnaki and the Anunnaki was the most superior race ever conceived! They were her parent race and far superior to her own race in every way! She should be gratified to bear his child—not fighting him tooth and nail the entire way!
“My lord?” Merrick asked, breaking Tariq’s train of thought abruptly.
“What?” Tariq growled ungraciously.
Merrick looked taken aback. “We’ve found a survivor willing to talk. As I said, he wants to barter the information for his freedom.”
“And you explained that we don’t barter?”
“I did.”
Tariq curled his lips. “Any man willing to barter his fellow man for his own gain isn’t much of a man—even for a human! My Em ….” He broke off abruptly, feeling a wave of cold wash over him. That was what came of having her always on his mind! He’d damned near admitted that she’d simply refused to talk! Merrick would be wondering why he hadn’t immediately turned her over for interrogation!
Not that it was any of the bastard’s business what decisions he made! But there was always the chance that he might talk and that would never do!
“I’ll speak to him. I doubt he has anything useful, but it’s worth a try.” He hesitated. “Has he been cleaned up and deloused?”
“Of course! We took care of that right away. We didn’t want the ship infested,” Merrick said stiffly, clearly outraged at the suggestion that they wouldn’t have.
Tariq ignored his pique. “Take him to the interrogation room. I’ll let him cool his heels in there a while and then question him.”
Merrick nodded and left and Tariq allowed his thoughts to drift back to Emerald. It was nearly noon. Koryn would be going to her for a session shortly. There was little point in returning to his quarters to check on her even if that hadn’t been the case. She hadn’t figured out how to bypass the door security and the android, Aeon, was there to guard her even if she did.
And his session with her the night before had severely tested him.
His cock rose at the thought, reminding him that he hadn’t allowed himself a release for three days. He didn’t want her to get the impression that he was as affected as she was, though, even if he was.
Still, it had been three days and he was about ready to kill something. Maybe it would be better to go to her and find some relief before he questioned the human?
There was no reason he couldn’t sit in on Koryn’s session any way. It wouldn’t be the first time they’d done a three way and it probably wouldn’t be the last.
In any case, he had to wonder if it wasn’t Koryn’s technique that was somehow lacking and had failed to have the desired result. For all he knew something Koryn was doing was countering the effectiveness of his own sessions!
He might have to kill him if he discovered that to be the case, he thought grimly. He’d endured just about all he could take. He was going to throttle the bastard if he discovered Koryn had been undermining his efforts!
Chapter Eight
Emerald looked surprised to see him. That shouldn’t have instantly aroused his suspicion when he’d made it a habit to steer clear of her during the day, but it did. Tariq narrowed his eyes at her speculatively which was when he noticed at least one reason for her guilty start when she’d discovered it was him that had entered his quarters rather than Koryn.
She’d fashioned herself a robe from the missing sheet!
She knew gods damned well that he would’ve provided her with clothing if he’d wanted to see her clothed! He could see it in her eyes.
That also supported at least part of his suspicion that Koryn was undermining his efforts! He hadn’t reported the fact that she’d made clothing for herself—as crude as it was—which meant that he allowed it.
His lips tightened. Realizing he was too angry to confront her about it at the moment, he strode to his beverage dispenser after that brief pause and searched the list of available beverages for something that might sooth his frazzled nerves, and therefore his temper, at least a little without compromising his resolve not to allow drinking to become a habit. It was a little early even to consider wine—and certainly for beer. He settled for a watered wine—which tasted like hell and did little for his temper.
Emerald, he saw when he headed toward his chair, had bundled herself in the remains of the sheet to hide her crude toga.
Admission of guilt, he thought angrily, settling in his chair and taking a sip of the disgusting concoction he’d gotten for himself before he fixed her with a hard look. “Stand up,” he said evenly.
She hesitated a fraction too long and finally stood, carrying the sheet with her.
His lips tightened. “Drop the sheet.”
Koryn arrived at that moment, fortunately for him since it allowed Tariq the opportunity to discover that Koryn was as ignorant of the toga as he had been. The blank look on his face was testament to that even if not for the comment that followed. “What the hell is that?”
Tariq returned his attention to Emerald. “Apparently it escaped the child’s understanding that she wasn’t given clothing because she wasn’t allowed them.”
Emerald’s face paled and then reddened. “I wasn’t?” she echoed with just enough surprise that it was almost convincing.
Koryn advanced toward them after a brief hesitation and set the tray he was carrying on the table. “I didn’t expect you. I only brought enough for two.”
Tariq waved that off and responded in English. “I’m not hungry … for food. Come here, Em and sit in my lap.”
She eyed him warily, but moved toward him.
“I think you’re forgetting something,” he said, stopping her when she would’ve settled on his lap.
She studied him for a moment and reached to untie the knot at her
shoulder, allowing the toga to drop to the floor. He held out his hands, grasping her waist when she moved to him and settling her on his lap with her back against his chest. She’d twisted at the waist, placing both legs together on one side of his. He slipped a hand beneath her left leg and moved it over his, pushing her legs apart by splaying his own. She tensed and then forced herself to relax.
Koryn took the chair Emerald had vacated and scooted it closer to the table, removing the cover from the tray and sorting the food. “You decided to sit in on our session?” he asked in a conversational tone that didn’t entirely mask his anger.
“I thought I would,” Tariq agreed. “Emerald hasn’t been responding as I’d hoped. I thought we might … intensify the training a bit and see if that was beneficial.”
“Good point,” Koryn agreed, focusing on his food. “How are we going to work this?”
Noticing that Emerald hadn’t made any attempt to eat her own meal, Tariq studied it a moment and finally chose something for her, holding it to her lips until she took it into her mouth. When she took it, he stroked a hand down her belly and parted the lips of her sex with his fingers, carefully separating the folds and examining each by touch. “I haven’t entirely decided yet,” he murmured, lifting his other hand to massage one breast. “Suggestions?”
Koryn’s eyes gleamed as he narrowed them on Emerald’s face. “Well, she’s not much more than a morsel. Still, I think with a little effort we could come up with a position that would allow us both to discipline her at the same time. Or, we could take turns—either or both, really. Do you want to extend the session? I generally limit it to two hours, sometimes less—depending, of course on how she behaves.”
Tariq left off pinching her nipples to pick up another bite of food and offer it to her. “Hmm. I usually go for two myself. So, you’re thinking four since there’s the two of us?”