Deep Penetration; Alien Breeders I Page 10
She had no idea of when she’d ceased to strain against his hold or when he’d released his grip on her wrists. The first she even realized he had was when she felt his fingers tangle in her hair and the tug as he tilted her head back. Lifting away from her breast, he sucked at her throat, massaging one breast with his free hand and then gliding it lightly across her ribs to her belly. Her heart thundered frantically in her ears as he cupped her mound and then parted the outer lips and stroked a finger along her cleft.
Releasing his grip on her hair abruptly, he levered himself upward, supported by one elbow and reached down to grasp one of her legs, pushing it aside and studying the play of his fingers as he parted the tender petals of her sex and lightly stroked her clit. He shifted again after a few moments. Pushing himself toward the foot of the bed, he caught hold of her legs, bent her knees, and pushed them upward. She tried to sit up when he moved between her legs.
He sent her a narrow eyed look. She stared at him for a long moment and fell back, closing her eyes again tightly as she felt him arranging her legs, touching her sex lightly. She opened her eyes again when she felt him grip her wrists and move her arms down to her belly. “Spread your lips for me and hold them,” he murmured, his voice sounding so raw it sent a shiver through her.
She hesitated, but the will to resist had melted away with her fear and the rise of the fever he’d built. She pulled the lips of her sex apart, watching him as he lowered his head, trying to brace herself for his touch. It didn’t help. The moment she felt the heat of his mouth close around her clit a hard jolt went through her. She gasped, fighting the urge to lift her hips with each tug of his mouth.
The heat grew until she felt as if she was burning up. She tried to use her mind to cool herself, tried to ignore the sensations pelting her, but it was useless. She felt her body climbing toward release. It reached a point where she felt herself quivering on the verge of climax and stayed there.
It began to feel almost more like torture than pleasure. She struggled to reach her release until she thought she couldn’t stand anymore and grabbed frantically at his hair, trying to pull him away. He caught her wrists, squeezed them until she released his hair and then looped his arms around her legs and pinned her with her legs splayed so wide she felt the burn of the muscles along her inner thighs.
She gasped, strained against his hold as he continued to alternately tease her clit with his tongue and suck it. She fought to reach her climax for a while and fought to escape it for a while and didn’t win either battle. She couldn’t find release and she couldn’t close her mind to the pleasure that had become sheer torment.
She panted for breath until her mouth and throat were as dry as dust and she began to feel like she might pass out. She began to pray for it after a time, but she discovered to her dismay that even when she did finally faint it was no more than a brief respite.
She bit her lip when she discovered that she was whimpering, trying to contain the shameful sound, but with indifferent success. She was so fevered she barely heard the odd little chirping noise that penetrated her torture chamber until Tariq abruptly ceased tormenting her and lifted his head as if to listen. The second time the sound intruded, he pushed himself up and climbed from the bed.
Emerald closed her legs the moment he released her, curling into a tight ball, shivering as the heat began to cool with the blessed cessation of stimulus.
Tariq snatched up his communicator and dropped to the edge of the bed shakily. “What is it?” he growled irritably.
“We’ve just gotten a report back from one of the search teams. They found a group of survivors.”
Tariq’s heart was already pounding with his own runaway desire. At that, it clenched in his chest almost painfully. He struggled to wrap his mind around the message for several moments when it was still focused firmly on Emerald.
Tariq dragged in a deep breath and let it out slowly, thinking. “Get the coordinates for me if you haven’t already and prep a skimmer for me.” He stood up. “And tell them I’m on my way.”
Breaking the link, he turned to look at Emerald, far cooler headed than he had been a few moments before but still struggling to get his raging desires under control. It was as well they’d interrupted him, he thought wryly, when he’d managed to regain some semblance of control. It wouldn’t have taken a great deal more of ‘punishing’ Emerald before he’d completely lost focus and done something he would’ve regretted.
Raking a shaking hand through his hair, he stared at his uniform for a moment and finally picked it up and began pulling it on.
It occurred to him as he was pulling his boots on that his lesson hadn’t gone entirely as he’d planned even if he had been interrupted before he’d yielded to the urge to drive his painfully throbbing cock into her until he spilled his seed. She’d fought him every step of the way. He debated briefly and then opened the link again. Koryn answered on the third chime.
“Meet me in my quarters,” he said grimly and broke the link.
He got up to pace while he waited, struggling with his decision. He was still waging battle when Koryn arrived a few minutes later, but one glance at Emerald as Koryn entered his quarters hardened his resolve. She’d sat up on his bunk and grabbed the blanket, covering herself, and was staring sullenly at the floor.
His expression hardened as he glanced at Koryn. “Emerald is being disciplined. I’d barely begun the session but something has come up and I have something else that needs my attention. I’ll need you to take over until I get back.”
Surprise flickered in Koryn’s eyes but after staring at him a moment, he merely nodded. “I’ll take care of it.”
Tariq flicked a glance at Emerald, having deliberately switched to her language to make certain she understood. “Good. Lay down, Emerald. Koryn will be handling your discipline until I can get back.”
She gaped at him in disbelief but the moment he tensed as if he meant to return to the bed, she lay down. Tariq sent Koryn a wry look. “As you can see it’s likely to take quite a few lessons before she learns to accept the situation.”
He strode toward the door as Koryn crossed the room to the bed where Emerald lay and sat down to remove his boots.
Koryn discovered when he straightened to remove his uniform that Emerald was watching him warily but without a trace of the submission Tariq would expect to see when he returned.
This was going to be hellish, he thought! He already felt like his balls were going to explode. Well, he thought philosophically, if he couldn’t hold his seed, he couldn’t. As long as he didn’t plant it in Emerald he might live to see another day.
She tensed the moment he settled a knee on the edge of the bed. He shook his head at her. “You don’t want to try that.”
He saw something flicker in her eyes, but although she subsided instead of leaping out of the bed as he’d fully expected, she scooted toward the wall when he settled. “Lie down,” he said evenly.
He barely managed to deflect her leg when she abruptly kicked out at him. Catching her ankle, he gave her leg a jerk that dragged her flat of her back. Before she could roll away, he shifted his weight upward and pinned her to the bed, catching her wrists. “I can bind you,” he said through gritted teeth, “but I can guarantee you this is going to be a lot more uncomfortable for you if I have to do that and take a lot longer.”
She fought him despite the warning. Sighing irritably, he finally gave up trying to pin her down and got off the bed, dragging her with him. She struggled every step of the way as he stalked to Tariq’s supply room to retrieve bindings and then returned to the main cabin with her. After studying the bed speculatively for several moments, he realized it was going to be damned uncomfortable for him to spend hours disciplining her if he had to tie her to the bed and he turned to consider the chairs. Realizing with relief that one was a play chair, he hauled her over to it and pushed her down in it. Fortunately, she clearly didn’t realize what it was. She hesitated in
surprise just long enough for him to grasp her wrists and clamp them in the wrist manacles he’d activated. She tried to kick him again when he grabbed her ankles, but it took little effort to guide first one and then the other into the ankle manacles.
When he clamped the last one, he activated the positioning devise, watching carefully as it moved her into position since the play chair had been designed for the Anunnaki and their women were a good bit taller. The knee position wasn’t just right and it spread her legs a little further than it should’ve for that matter, but she’d brought it on herself. Taking the binding he’d collected, he moved around to the back and squatted down to thread it through the loop on the back of her belt and secure it, binding her tightly to the table the chair had become. Satisfied, he rotated it until it was upright and then lifted it until the height was comfortable for him.
She sucked in a sharp breath and cursed him when he lifted his hands and lightly stroked them down her length, but he was too riveted on his task the moment he felt her silken skin against his palms and the pads of his fingers to feel the anger it might have otherwise stirred. Ignoring her efforts to struggle, he continued stroking her lightly until she ceased to struggle, either because she’d tired herself or because she’d calmed down.
Flicking a glance at her face, he decided, wryly, that it was the former. Her eyes were still glittering defiance. He moved closer, cupping a breast in each hand and gently squeezing it, massaging the round globes until they flushed with the blood rushing to them and her nipples hardened. He focused on her nipples then, plucking at them until they were so tight and engorged with blood that they felt like little pebbles.
She flinched when he leaned in to take one into his mouth. “Don’t!”
He paused, flicked a chiding look at her face and caught it with the edge of his teeth instead of his lips, bearing down just hard enough to warn her to behave. She sucked in a sharp breath, bucking against the bindings. He bit down harder until she stilled, panting, and then sucked at the tiny morsel to sooth the sting.
He hadn’t meant to do more than tease her slowly to awaken her to sensation but almost the moment he felt her nipple in his mouth, his control slipped. He sucked and pulled at her hungrily, trying to ignore his painfully swollen cock and the urge to thrust inside of the pink little lips parted so invitingly for him by her position. Unable to resist the urge to explore it at the very least, he ran a shaking hand down her belly and found her cleft and then her opening, pushing an index finger inside of her.
Her muscles closed around his finger and he could feel the velvety soft walls. It sent a dizzying wave through him. The image instantly leapt into his mind of those muscles clamped around his cock and he felt his balls draw up to his belly, felt as if they’d drawn up into his throat. She was so wet, so tight, he thought a little wildly. His throat closed with want and it took all he could do to refrain from replacing his finger with his cock on that instant.
Some tiny spark of sanity remained, however, enough to prevent him from doing anything suicidal—like fucking Emerald when Tariq had claimed her. Instead, he struggled to appease his own hunger by feeding on her soft flesh more frenziedly. He paused when she began make tiny whimpering sounds that finally penetrated the red fog of his mind.
He was supposed to be disciplining her, he reminded himself with an effort. She had to understand that defiance wouldn’t be tolerated from a slave. If she was to end up in anyone else’s hands, she might not survive the lesson for disobedience.
She moaned when he withdrew his finger and lightly stroked the delicate petals of flesh along her cleft instead and then sucked in a sharp breath when he released the nipple he’d been teasing and switched to the other. She fought it, forcing him to warn her again with a nip of pain. When she subsided, he swirled his tongue around the little bud to sooth the sting and then sucked it.
For a time, he managed to content himself with merely suckling her breasts, knowing that as uncomfortable as that made her it was a nothing compared to the misery she would endure if he took her to the edge of a climax and held her there. He hadn’t been in any state to properly discipline her when he’d started though and the longer he teased her the harder it was to control himself.
He began to think he was in far more torment than she was and decided he had to withdraw at least long enough to calm his heart before it exploded. The moment he flicked a glance at her face, however, and saw her glazed eyes and passion twisted features, it very nearly unhinged his mind.
He stared at her for a long, long moment and finally moved around behind her to remove the binding at her waist. When he’d freed her, he slipped an arm around her, depressed the retractor on the manacles and lifted her away from the play chair, carrying her to the bed. She looked up at him dazedly when he’d settled her.
He fought another round with the urge to mount her on his shaft and finally settled at the end of the bed, pushing her thighs wide and leaning down to cover her clit with his mouth. His cock bucked in his hand as he curled his fingers around it. The counter pressure of his hand produced pleasure that was so intense, he thought for a moment he would black out. Sucking in a harsh breath, he pulled at her clit hungry, stroking his cock. He’d nearly achieved orgasm when a sound behind him jerked him abruptly from his focus. Halting abruptly, he lifted his head jerkily and looked around.
Tariq, he discovered, had returned. He stared at him with fevered eyes, trying to summon some sense of self-preservation, but his mind couldn’t get past the fact that he was nearly there.
“I see you’ve worked diligently at teaching her the error of her ways,” Tariq said dryly. “I believe he deserves a reward, don’t you, Emerald? By my estimate, he’s given you a good two hours of pleasure.”
Koryn glanced at her when Tariq spoke to her, discovering with a sick feeling in the pit of his stomach that tears were streaming down her cheeks.
“Get up.”
Koryn glanced jerkily at him and discovered he was staring at Emerald. She struggled upright at the command and stared at him without comprehension.
“Give him what he needs. Take his cock into that pretty little mouth of yours and give him release.”
Nodding, Emerald slipped off the bed and moved between his legs. Koryn stared down at her and swallowed convulsively, but he couldn’t bring himself to refuse the offer. He felt like he was going to die if he didn’t find release. Swallowing with an effort, he thrust his cock at her. He almost passed out when he felt the heat of her mouth close over his cock.
Then she bit him.
He winced at the pain that cut through him, grabbing her head, but the heat and pressure of her mouth far exceeded the pain. His balls erupted like a volcano. He tightened his fingers in her hair, thrusting mindlessly. She struggled for a moment and then began gulping and sucking frantically as his seed spewed into her mouth. He collapsed weakly, panting for breath when the convulsions finally ceased, feeling as if he might sink into a coma.
He heard Tariq’s footsteps as he headed to his refreshment bar and the sound of liquid pouring into a glass tumbler. By the time he managed to catch his breath and recover enough to push himself upright, Tariq had paced back to the bed. His expression was grim as he stared at Emerald. “You bit him, didn’t you?”
Emerald sent him a wide eyed look, glanced at Koryn and then at Tariq again. Her chin wobbled. “It was an accident,” she gasped shakily.
He shook his head at her. “Get in the bed and rest while you can.”
Emerald bit her lip, but dropped her gaze to the floor, nodded, and climbed into the bed shakily. Koryn sat forward warily, more than half expecting her to try to kick him. He was vastly relieved when she didn’t and not merely for his own sake. It took an effort to push himself to his feet. When he’d finally managed it, he looked around a little dazedly for his uniform and moved toward it when he spotted it. Deciding he wasn’t currently in any shape to put it back on, he collected the suit and his boots and moved to a chair, collapsing wea
kly into the seat. Tariq followed him, eyed the play chair for a moment and finally pressed the button to make it reconfigure into an easy chair once more.
“I take it she continued rebellious?” Tariq asked pensively.
Koryn struggled with his conscience, but he thought the play chair spoke volumes and Tariq wasn’t likely to believe any lie he told him. Beyond that, he was alarmed at the sheer strength of will Emerald had displayed. Granted, Tariq had every intention of keeping her if he possibly could, but they had no guarantees that he could. And if she continued to fight she would discover just how gently he and Tariq had handled her. “She fought like a tigress. There was no talking reason to her,” he said finally. “I didn’t think you were serious when you said she needed discipline.” He lifted his head and stared at her longingly. “I know you thought she was a soldier from the start, but she seemed so … gentle and biddable.”
“Well, thank the gods she isn’t big enough to do much damage,” Tariq said dryly.
Koryn rubbed his cock absently. When he glanced at Tariq again, he saw amusement in his eyes. Anger flickered through him briefly, but then a reluctant smile dawned. “I should’ve known better than to stick it in her mouth when she’d fought me every step of the way,” he said ruefully. “Next time, warn me. I’ll jack off before I try disciplining her.”
Tariq was about to inform him that there wouldn’t be a next time, but it occurred to him forcefully that he wasn’t weathering Emerald’s punishment that well himself. If she continued rebellious …. “Tomorrow, then. I’ll handle it tonight when she’s had time to cool down enough for another effective session.”
Koryn sent him a startled look but it took very little reflection to realize Tariq was right. If she’d still been rebellious enough to bite him when Tariq had already disciplined her and he’d given her a lengthy session, then she wasn’t going to back down easily. Nodding, he slipped his feet into his uniform and stood up to shrug his shoulders into it. “I’ll be better prepared tomorrow.” He glanced at Tariq when he’d pulled his boots on. “Did you find anything?”